The Estonian Human Development Report is a biennially published collection of articles reflecting and interpreting the current socioeconomic situation in Estonia and possible
future developments.
Produced as a collaboration involving acclaimed scientists and experts, the in-depth reports contribute to knowledge-based perspectives and policymaking and help make research accessible to the general public.
The Estonian human development reports follow the model of the international human development index and reports published by the United Nations.
The Estonian human development reports have been issued since 1995. Since 2006, they have been published by the Estonian Cooperation Assembly.
The full digital version of the report in English, including the graphics with open source data, is available at
The digital report was prepared using WordPress web management software.
The printed version of the report is available only in Estonian.
Recommended citation:
Sisask, M. (toim) 2023. Eesti inimarengu aruanne 2023. Vaimne tervis ja heaolu. Tallinn: SA Eesti Koostöö Kogu.
Editor-in-chief: Merike Sisask
Reviewer: Marju Lauristin
Assistants: Kristina Šadeiko-Liiva ja Ragne Õitspuu
English translation: Refiner Translations
English language editing: Refiner Translations (Margus Elings, Chris Springer)
Design: Disainikorp OÜ
Graphics: Karel Korp
Photo copyright: Kiur Kaasik (Delfi), Gustavo Fring (Pexels),
Annela Samuel, Urmas Luik, Jaanus Tepomees, Aron Urb
Digital report: Maarja-Leena Saar and MK Arvuti OÜ
Publisher: Estonian Cooperation Assembly, 2023
Copyright: the authors and the Estonian Cooperation Assembly
Sponsors: Estonian Ministry of Social Affairs, Tallinn University
Printing: AS Printon
Publisher: SA Eesti Koostöö Kogu, 2023
Copyrights: autorid ja SA Eesti Koostöö Kogu
Supporters: Ministry of Social Affairs, Tallinna Ülikool
ISBN 978-9916-4-1288-6
Previous reports:
Eesti inimarengu aruanne 2019/2020 „Linnastunud ühiskonna ruumilised valikud“
Eesti inimarengu aruanne 2016/2017 „Eesti rändeajastul“
See previous reports here
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